Abilica Vid + first impressions

Starting this off by saying that this summer I got an Abilica rollerski treadmill through my great sponsor, Enjoy Winter. They have been massively helpful with all my gear, but I’m especially thankful for this amazing training tool.

This was the second time I’ve ever skied on a rollerski treadmill, and never a classic-only one, so it took a little getting used to. The hardest part was fast striding, which ended up only taking a couple sessions to get comfortable with. Since that it’s been smooth sailing.

Some sessions I’ve done on it:

Bounding: 8x3min L4, 6x8min L3

Lol. Wide.

Classic: 8x4min L3-L4, 5x8min specific strength, lactate test

These are all really useful sessions, and mostly I can compare them time after time, but with some of them I haven’t recorded the exact speeds and inclines, because that makes it more stimulating. The most comparable test I’ve done is the lactate test, which I do at 14kph and increase incline by 2% on each 5min stage. I test HR and lactate levels, and go until my lactate gets above 4.0 mmoL. This makes it easy to know empirically if I’m working harder or not at a given speed.

It’s also super helpful for other things, like bad weather and technique work. I’ve especially had a good time doing technique with Jan (my AWS coach) there, because we can make such quick adjustments in real time, in a quiet environment. It’s made it a lot easier for me to change what I’m doing.

Lol. Short.

That’s about all I’ve got for now, so here’s a quick video showing it off!
